Oh, blog babies, I've been bad. Not only did I completely abandoned you, but I lied. Yes, I lied. And dropped you. Like a bad boyfriend who comes over drunk, knocks you around and screams, "Stella! STELLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAA!" OK, I admit it. I am the Stanley Kowalski of blogdom.
But baby, I can explain. I left my laptop at work on Wednesday and had to drug Fauxhawk so I could use his internet machine (he's still "sleeping"). Then I lost my Blackberry for the eighteen zillionth time and have been rendered a twitching mess. I DO NOT LIKE being this disconnected.
And about the lying - well, some you may have noticed that the Thanksgiving baby hedgehog I tried to pass off on you was a little...mature.
OK! I admit it! It's not a baby hedgehog! I was in a hurry! I had to make an apple crisp and spray paint some gourds gold before Thanksgiving and buy a pumpkin pie! I slipped up - I lost my head!
Does this mean that I love you less?
No. In fact, I love you more than ever.
Does this mean our relationship unhealthy?
Quite possibly. But I promise I won't do it again. And I promise to tell you all about the goings on with Fauxhawk's birthday and Thanksgiving and why I want to be a Somali pirate.
If you love me, you'll come back. Think of the baby animals.